Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1

Today was a good day! I woke up at 6:15 and did 5 mins of the 30 Day Shred. I'm really really outta shape! I was going to be walking so I just wanted to get some exercise in to maybe boost my metabolism. I read a while back that waking up 15 mins early and getting your heart rate up will do that, not sure how true that is. 5 mins isn't a lot but it was something, tomorrow I'm hoping to get at least 15mins of it done and to walk to the mailbox down my block and back. After getting done I went to a couple of friends houses and walked with them to the local ihop and then to walmart a total of 2.2 miles according to Goggle Maps. My ankle tendons are really tight tonight and my lower back is sore, but I push through it and accomplished a lot for someone who is normally very sedentary. I figure the walking will at least get me moving which is much more than I presently do. I think if I can just get started and maintain a good movement regimens eventually I’ll be able to do all of the 30 day shred per day and walk farther. I’m going to push myself physically and while doing that going to try to eat somewhat smaller portions. I took pictures of my current size, I’m working up the courage to post them. I don’t have low self esteem but I don’t like plastering pictures of my body all over the internet. Some folks aren’t nice to say the least. We’ll see how I feel after a few days of keeping up the work outs. I’m going to weigh myself once every two weeks. I figure that way I don’t get caught up in the numbers. It’s not about being thin or skinny just healthy. I will judge my results with stamina and how I feel. So I bid farewell to day 1 and prepare for day two. Thanks for tagging along and feel free to let me know how you’re doing on your resolutions!

Walked 2.2 Miles
30 Day Shred 5mins

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